BBC Global News dévoile au public de nouvelles séries sur le commerce mondial, diffusées en association avec FedEx Express

BBC Global News - la division des nouvelles commerciales internationales de la BBC - et FedEx Express ont conclu un accord de parrainage commercial et de contenu de marque autour d'une toute nouvelle série multiplateforme sur le commerce mondial.  « Made on Earth » explore l'histoire des réseaux commerciaux les plus remarquables et en constante évolution au monde, qui aident les entreprises à atteindre des milliards de clients potentiels dans le monde entier.

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BBC Global News brings audiences new series on global trade, delivered in association with FedEx Express

BBC Global News – the BBC’s international commercial news division – and FedEx Express have struck a commercial sponsorship and branded content deal around a brand new multi-platform series on global trade.  Made on Earth explores the story of the world’s remarkable and ever adapting trading networks, which help businesses reach billions of potential customers around the world.

The editorial series reveals key moments, worldwide shifts and changing trends happening in the industries involved in creating eight everyday products – spices, paper, coffee, flowers, whisky, handbags, bicycles and semiconductors.  From rose farmers in Kenya to florists in the UK, brewers in Scotland to bar managers in China, Made on Earth takes audiences on a journey across the world to discover the reliance on global connectivity for consumer goods.

The commercial deal involves FedEx Express becoming the exclusive sponsor of the new TV and digital series on BBC World News – which is watched by over 100 million people every week - and, which reaches more than 110 million unique users each month.  To appeal to an even wider audience base, the series will also be subtitled into local languages to appear on international BBC News sites including BBC Afrique, BBC Brasil, BBC Chinese, BBC Mundo and in Japan, adding extra value to the deal.

As part of the partnership, the BBC has created a bespoke digital hub at The hub will feature articles, links to episodes on the BBC’s dedicated video streaming section, BBC Reel, and a series of commercial films created by BBC StoryWorks, BBC Global News’ commercial content-marketing division, which will also be available on BBC World News and on selected BBC social media handles.  Following the first run of the series in the autumn, the Made on Earth content will retain its presence on the BBC’s platforms, ensuring ongoing audience engagement.

Sean O’Hara, Executive Vice President, BBC StoryWorks & Advertising, said: “International trade plays a crucial role in providing people around the world with access to products which enhance their daily lives, so we are delighted to join up with such a prestigious global brand as FedEx Express to offer audiences this fascinating insight into the vast trading networks which shape the way in which we all live.

Brie Carere, FedEx Corporation EVP and chief marketing and communications officer, said: “Global trade is our business. This strategic partnership with BBC Global News gives a voice to the entrepreneurs, manufacturers and consumers of goods from around the world and shows the endless possibilities available. The unique combination of the BBC’s compelling storytelling and worldwide reach will ensure that the subject of international trade will make an impact with audiences globally.

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À propos de FedEx Corp.

FedEx Corp. (NYSE: FDX) fournit aux particuliers et aux entreprises du monde entier un large éventail de services aux entreprises, de services de transport et de services de commerce électronique. Avec un chiffre d’affaires annuel de 62 milliards de dollars, l’entreprise propose des applications commerciales intégrées par le biais de sociétés d’exploitation mutuellement concurrentes, mais gérées de manière collaborative, sous la prestigieuse enseigne FedEx. FedEx, qui est régulièrement reconnue parmi les entreprises les plus admirées au monde, suscite auprès de ses 400 000 salariés et sous-traitants un engagement positif et constant en faveur de la sécurité, des plus hautes normes éthiques et professionnelles et de la satisfaction de ses clients et des collectivités locales. Pour en savoir plus sur la manière dont FedEx réunit les personnes et sur les possibilités à travers le monde, consultez le site